Monday, August 2, 2010

Bills family photo at riverwoods

From left to right
We have Kevin, Whitney and Satchel sitting on the rock. Heather and Billy standing back left. Grandma Leigh Ann and grandpa Jeff holding Tanna 5 Dane 8 and Elodie 2. Far right, Alta Thomas and Krew


  1. Hey Alta and Thomas! I just ran across your blog from the Harris's. Your little boy is adorable! It's great to see him!
    -Janice Richardson

  2. PS: Looking through your blog we saw that Krew was born in October. Our Amy was born the 29th. How fun!

  3. We are thinking of you guys!!! Hope school is going well for Thomas, the Cali is going well for Alta, and that Krew's little leggy is healing! Biggest hugs to you and your family!
