One month....yep a month....a whole month has gone by since Ronan was born. Can you believe it?? I am not sure how I feel about it; there are some mixed emotions. Part of me feels like he is way older than a month; probably because we spent most of the month out and about with dad before he left; I mean he has already been to Berkeley several times and made his way into the city as many newborns can say they've done that. Then a part of me feels like he is still so little; the every 2-3 hour feedings at night are a great reminder that he really is only a month old. No matter how I feel about it though, a month has gone by and I can't wait for what is to come.
at one month Ronan loves...
his milk; he will let you know when you are not getting it into him fast enough
his brother; whenever Krew is near, Ronan is sure to turn toward his voice
to be talked to; he is his most alert when someone takes the time to conversate
the camera; Ronan was born to be a model - he already knows how to make love to the camera with his deep blue eyes, which makes his mom happy!
to be held; he sleeps his best when wrapped up in the arms of another
his baths; he falls asleep in his bath every time without fail, then coupled with a warm towel and a space heater, this boy is heaven
Ronan really is a great baby; I have said it before, but we are blessed to have two great boys. As for Krew, he is such a good big brother. He loves giving his "baby broder" kisses and asks about "Baby Ronan" right when he wakes up in the morning. Having a little brother has transformed Krew into "all boy." Lately he has been all about jumping, running, dirt, rocks and play fighting with his toys. With Ronan's eating habits and Krew's new found love of fighting.....Ronan might just turn out to be a monster...haha!!!
I am excited to see how these two turn out....As for now I will cherish the little things each month while they are still little
Yep...same little webbies as Krew